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We have prepared 4 perfect breakfasts for our bikini operation, each of these breakfasts contains essential elements to tackle your day with energy in a healthy way. Don’t forget that breakfast is the most important meal of the day !!!!

TEA (always good idea to prepare your own tea),  if you don’t prefer green tea, there are many infused tea recipes you can try. Last month we shared a couple on our blog:

Tip, if interested you may use Google Translate when checking the following links for English translation.


A piece of fruit in the morning to start the day well, we recommend eating the whole piece, since this way you can benefit from all its fiber and vitamins. If you prefer or find it more comfortable in juice, don’t worry, juice is always better than no fruit !!!! Choose organic seasonal fruit if you can, especially those with very thin skin, such as apples and pears.

OATS with chia
You can keep it for 3 days, keep the mixture in a glass bottle.


80 gr of wholegrain oats

300cl oat milk (no added sugar)

Heat the ingredients over medium heat, continuing to mix for about 7 minutes.

Serve it with some berries for example or kiwi and banana, add Chia seeds.

Guacamole Toast


1 avocado Half tomato

A quarter of onion A branch of coriander Salt and pepper

Cereal bread

Extra virgin olive oil

Crush the avocado, half the tomato and the quarter of the onion with the coriander, salt and pepper.

Pour a few drops of extra virgin olive oil on top of your toasted cereal bread, spread the bread with the mixture and bon appétit!

Spinach tortilla

1 egg

1 egg white

150gm fresh spinach

1 small onion

Salt and pepper



Coconut oil

In a bowl we beat the egg and the egg white, add the salt, pepper and turmeric.

In a frying pan, add a tablespoon of coconut oil and sauté the onions. Once the onion has taken on a transparent color, add the spinach and mushrooms.

Pour the contents of the pan into the bowl and mix all the ingredients well.

Pour all the contents of the bowl into the pan, cook the omelette to your liking.

It serves, and bon appétit


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